Class: Interpreter
- Includes:
- Util::SystemMessage
- Defined in:
- docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb,
Interpreter of the event script commands
Constant Summary collapse
List of command cods that needs to be skipped in order to detect the from event calling call
[108, 121, 122]
If the put item in pocket message is not shown
Name of the file used as Received Pokemon ME (with additional parameter like volume)
['audio/me/rosa_yourpokemonevolved', 80]
Header of the system messages
Default BGM used for trainer battle (sent to AudioFile so no audio/bgm)
['xy_trainer_battle', 100, 100]
Default eye bgm for trainer encounter (direct, requires audio/bgm)
['audio/bgm/pkmrs-enc1', 100, 100]
Default exclamation SE for trainer encounter (direct, requires audio/se)
['audio/se/015-jump01', 65, 95]
Duration of the exclamation particle
['_cycle_roll', '_cycle_roll_to_wheel', '_cycle_stop', '_cycle_wheel', '_deep_swamp_sinking', '_fish', '_ladder', '_misc2', '_pokecenter', '_run', '_shake', '_snow', '_snow_deep', '_snow_deep_misc', '_snow_misc', '_surf', '_surf_fish', '_surf_hm', '_surf_vs', '_swamp', '_swamp_deep', '_swamp_run', '_walk']
Constants included from Util::SystemMessage
Util::SystemMessage::HAS_NUMBER_REG, Util::SystemMessage::IS_ITEM, Util::SystemMessage::IS_NUMBER1, Util::SystemMessage::IS_NUMBER2, Util::SystemMessage::IS_NUMBER3, Util::SystemMessage::IS_POKEMON, Util::SystemMessage::MESSAGES
Instance Method Summary collapse
#add_egg(id, egg_how_obtained = :received) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon?
(also: #ajouter_oeuf)
Add an egg to the Party (or in the PC).
#add_item(item_id, no_delete = false, text_id: 4, no_space_text_id: 7, color: 11, count: 1)
Add an item to the bag if possible, will delete the event forever.
#add_items_to_limited_shop(symbol_of_shop, items_to_refill = [], quantities_to_refill = [])
(also: #ajouter_objets_magasin)
Add items to a limited shop.
#add_limited_shop(symbol_of_shop, items_sym = [], items_quantity = [], shop_rewrite: false)
(also: #ajouter_un_magasin_limite)
Create a limited shop (in the main PFM::Shop object).
#add_new_pokemon_shop(sym_new_shop, list_id, list_price, list_param, list_quantity = [], shop_rewrite: false)
(also: #ajouter_nouveau_magasin_pokemon)
Create a limited Pokemon Shop.
#add_parallax(image, x, y, z, zoom_x = 1, zoom_y = 1, opacity = 255, blend_type = 0)
Add a parallax.
#add_pokemon(pokemon_or_id, level = 5, shiny = false) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon?
(also: #ajouter_pokemon, #ajouter_stocker_pokemon)
Add a pokemon to the party or store it in the PC.
#add_pokemon_to_shop(symbol_of_shop, list_id, list_price, list_param, list_quantity = [], pkm_rewrite: false)
(also: #ajouter_pokemon_au_magasin)
Add Pokemon to a Pokemon Shop.
#add_rename_pokemon(pokemon_or_id, level = 5, shiny = false, num_char = 12) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon?
(also: #ajouter_renommer_pokemon)
Add a pokemon to the party or store it in the PC and rename it.
#add_specific_pokemon(hash) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon?
(also: #ajouter_pokemon_param)
Add a pokemon (#add_pokemon) with specific informations.
#animate_from_charset(lines, duration, reverse: false, repeat: false, last_frame_delay: false) ⇒ Boolean
Shortcut for get_character(@event_id).animate_from_charset(*args).
#call_battle_wild(id, level, *args)
(also: #demarrer_combat)
Start a wild battle.
#call_party_menu(id_var = ::Yuki::Var::Party_Menu_Sel, party = $actors, mode = :map, extend_data = nil)
(also: #appel_menu_equipe)
Show the party menu in order to select a Pokemon.
#can_move_reminder_be_called?(mode = 0) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #maitre_capacites_appelable?)
Detect if the move reminder can remind a move to the selected pokemon.
#carte_du_monde(arg = :view, wm_id = $env.get_worldmap)
(also: #world_map)
Open the world map.
#casino(arg = :voltorb_flip, speed = 2)
Open the casino gameplay.
#choice(variable_id, cancel_type, *choices)
Start a choice with more option than RMXP allows.
Clear the saved fog.
#combine_with_saved_bag(id_storage = nil)
Combined the saved bag with the current bag.
#combine_with_saved_money(id_storage = nil)
Combined the saved money with the current money.
#combine_with_saved_pokedex(id_storage = nil, empty_pokedex: false)
Combined the saved pokedex with the current pokedex.
#cry_pokemon(id, volume: 100, tempo: 100, form: 0)
Play the cry of a Pokemon.
#current_time ⇒ Integer
Return the current time in minute.
(also: #delete_event)
Delete the provided event forever.
Delete the current event forever.
#detect_invalid_tile(x, y, width, height, tile_id) ⇒ Boolean
Detect if a specified tile (in layer 3) is in the specified zone.
#detect_player(nb_pas, direction) ⇒ Boolean
Detect the player in a specific direction.
#detect_player_circle(r) ⇒ Boolean
Detect the player in a circle around the event.
#detect_player_rect(nx, ny) ⇒ Boolean
Detect the player in a rectangle around the event.
#dynamic_light ⇒ NuriYuri::DynamicLight
(also: #dyn_light)
Return the NuriYuri::DynamicLight module.
#emotion(type, char_id = 0, wait = 34, params = {})
Show an emotion to an event or the player.
#emotion_on_multiple_npc(type, chars_id = [0], wait = 34, params = {})
(also: #emotion_on_multiple_pnj)
Show an emotion on multiple events and/or the player.
#empty_and_save_appearance(id_storage = nil)
Save the appearance somewhere and set the default in the point of view of the player.
#empty_and_save_bag(id_storage = nil)
Save the bag somewhere and make it empty in the point of view of the player.
#empty_and_save_money(id_storage = nil)
Save the money somewhere and make it null in the point of view of the player.
#empty_and_save_party(id_storage = nil)
Save the team somewhere and make it empty in the point of view of the player.
#empty_and_save_pokedex(id_storage = nil)
Save the pokedex somewhere and make it empty in the point of view of the player.
#empty_and_save_trainer(id_storage = nil)
Save the trainer somewhere and make it empty in the point of view of the player.
#event_calling(common_event, event_id) ⇒ Boolean
Check if an event is calling a common event (in its first non comment commands).
#fast_travel(x, y = nil, ms = 5)
Shortcut defining the pathfinding request and wait for the end of the path following.
#find_path(to:, radius: 0, tries: Pathfinding::TRY_COUNT, type: nil)
Use path finding to locate the current event move else.
(also: #forcer_sauvegarde)
Save the game without asking.
#front_event_calling(common_event) ⇒ Boolean
Check if the front event calls a common event (in its first non comment commands).
#ge(id = @event_id) ⇒ Game_Event
Return the $
#get_self_switch(self_switch, event_id = @event_id, map_id = @map_id) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #get_ss)
Get the value of a self_switch.
#give_exp(index, amount)
Give a certain amount of exp to one Pokemon.
Give a certain amount of exp to every Pokemon in party.
#give_item(item_id, count = 1)
Give an item to the player.
#give_level(index, amount)
Give a certain amount of level to one Pokemon.
Give a certain amount of level to every Pokemon in party.
#gm ⇒ Game_Map
Return the $game_map.
#gp ⇒ Game_Player
Return the $game_player.
#gs ⇒ Game_Switches
Return the $game_switches.
#gt ⇒ Game_Temp
Return the $game_temp.
#gv ⇒ Game_Variables
Return the $game_variables.
#hall_of_fame(filename_bgm = 'audio/bgm/Hall-of-Fame', context_of_victory = :league)
Open the Hall of Fame UI.
Triggers the HM Bar Animation.
Function calling the honey tree event.
#internal_add_pokemon_check_level_shiny(pokemon_id, level, shiny, method_name) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon
Check the input parameters and send the Pokemon to method_name.
#internal_add_pokemon_check_symbol(pokemon_or_id, level, shiny, method_name) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon
Check the symbol of the Pokemon and send the Pokemon to method_name.
#internal_add_pokemon_final(pokemon) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon
Try to add Pokemon to the party or store the Pokemon in the storage system.
#internal_store_pokemon_final(pokemon) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon
Try to add Pokemon to the party or store the Pokemon in the storage system.
#message(string, cancel_type = 0, *choices) ⇒ Integer
Show a message with eventually a choice.
#mining_game(param = nil, music_filename = GamePlay::MiningGame::DEFAULT_MUSIC, delete_after: true, grid_handler: nil)
Open the Mining Game UI.
#mirror_picture(id, bool = true)
Mirror a RMXP Picture.
#move_reminder(pokemon = $actors[$game_variables[::Yuki::Var::Party_Menu_Sel]], mode = 0) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #maitre_capacites)
Call the move reminder UI with the choosen Pokemon and a specific mode (0 by default).
#name_player(default_name, character_filename, max_char = 12, message: [43, 0], set_appearance: true, &block)
Shows a character, a default name, and asks the player for their name.
#npc_trade_sequence(index, pokemon)
Sequence that perform NPC trade.
#open_shop(symbol_or_list, prices = {}, show_background: true)
(also: #ouvrir_magasin)
Open a shop.
#party ⇒ PFM::GameState
Return the party object (game state).
#pfm_text ⇒ PFM::Text
Return the PFM::Text module.
#pick_item(item_id, count = 1, no_delete = false)
Pick an item on the ground (and delete the event).
#player_spotted?(nb_pas) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #trainer_spotted)
Detect if the event can spot the player and move to the player.
#player_spotted_directional?(up: nil, down: nil, left: nil, right: nil) ⇒ Boolean
Detect if the event can spot the player and move to the player with direction relative detection.
#player_spotted_rect?(nb_pas, dist) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #trainer_spotted_rect)
Detect if the event can spot the player in a certain rect in frond of itself.
Returns the db_symbol of the type of the Pokemon’s Hidden Power.
#pokemon_index(method_name, *args)
Return the index of the choosen Pokemon or call a method of GameState to find the right Pokemon.
#pokemon_shop_open(symbol_or_list, prices = [], param = [], show_background: true)
(also: #ouvrir_magasin_pokemon)
Open a Pokemon shop.
Show the “Pokemon was sent to BOX $” message.
#puzzle_alpha(id = 1, id_switch = Yuki::Sw::RuinsVictory)
Start the Alpha Ruins puzzle.
(also: #livre_quetes, #quest_ui)
Show the quest book.
#receive_pokemon_sequence(pokemon_or_id, level = 5, shiny = false) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon?
Receive Pokemon sequence, when the player is given a Pokemon.
#remove_items_from_limited_shop(symbol_of_shop, items_to_remove, quantities_to_remove)
(also: #enlever_objets_magasin)
Remove items from a limited shop.
#remove_pokemon_from_shop(symbol_of_shop, remove_list_mon, param_form, quantities_to_remove = [])
(also: #enlever_pokemon_du_magasin)
Remove Pokemon from a Pokemon Shop.
#rename_pokemon(index_or_pokemon, num_char = 12)
(also: #renommer_pokemon)
Show the rename interface of a Pokemon.
#retrieve_saved_appearance(id_storage = nil)
Retrieve the saved appearance.
#retrieve_saved_bag(id_storage = nil)
Retrieve the saved bag when emptied ( /!\ empty the current bag).
#retrieve_saved_money(id_storage = nil)
Retrieve the saved money.
#retrieve_saved_party(id_storage = nil)
(also: #retreive_saved_party)
Retrieve the saved team when emptied ( /!\ empty the current team).
#retrieve_saved_pokedex(id_storage = nil)
Retrieve the saved pokedex when emptied.
#retrieve_saved_trainer(id_storage = nil)
Retrieve the saved trainer.
#retrieve_stolen_pokemon(id_storage = nil)
(also: #retreive_stolen_pokemon)
Retrieve previously stolen Pokemon ( /!\ uses #add_pokemon).
#save_this_fog ⇒ Array
Save the current fog.
#set_actor_back(actor_id, filename)
Sets a specific actors battle sprite to a specific one.
Sets the players battle sprite to a specific one.
#set_self_switch(value, self_switch, event_id = @event_id, map_id = @map_id)
(also: #set_ss)
Set the value of a self_switch.
Show the Pokemon dex info.
#skill_learn(pokemon, id_skill) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #enseigner_capacite)
Learn a skill to a Pokemon.
#start_double_trainer_battle(trainer_id, second_trainer_id, bgm: DEFAULT_TRAINER_BGM, disable: 'A', enable: 'B', troop_id: 3, &block)
Start a trainer battle.
#start_double_trainer_battle_with_friend(trainer_id, second_trainer_id, friend_trainer_id, bgm: DEFAULT_TRAINER_BGM, disable: 'A', enable: 'B', troop_id: 3, &block)
Start a trainer battle.
(also: #demarrer_pc)
Start the storage PC.
Start an online Trade.
#start_trainer_battle(trainer_id, bgm: DEFAULT_TRAINER_BGM, disable: 'A', enable: 'B', troop_id: 3)
Start a trainer battle.
#steal_pokemon(indexes, id_storage = nil, no_save = false)
Save some Pokemon of the team somewhere and remove them from the party.
Shortcut for get_character(@event_id).stop_path.
#store_pokemon(pokemon_or_id, level = 5, shiny = false) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon?
(also: #stocker_pokemon)
Store a Pokemon in the PC.
#switch_player(from_player_id, to_player_id, switch_bag: true, switch_party: true, switch_trainer: true, switch_appearance: true, switch_money: true, switch_pokedex: true)
Switch from one player to another, in term of party, trainer, money, pokedex and appearance (all optional).
#switch_player_safe(to_player_id, switch_bag: true, switch_party: true, switch_trainer: true, switch_appearance: true, switch_money: true, switch_pokedex: true)
Switch from one player to another, in term of party, trainer, money, pokedex and appearance (all optional) The Yuki::Var::Current_Player_ID must be defined beforehand.
#take_screenshot(filename = 'map_screenshot%d.png', scale = 1)
Take a screenshot of the map and save it as a png.
#timed_event_remaining_time(event_id = @event_id, map_id = @map_id) ⇒ Integer
Get the remaining time until the trigger (in minutes).
#trainer_eye_sequence(phrase, eye_bgm: DEFAULT_EYE_BGM, exclamation_se: DEFAULT_EXCLAMATION_SE)
Sequence to call before start trainer battle.
#trigger_event_in(amount_of_minutes, local_switch_letter, event_id = @event_id, map_id = @map_id)
Store a timed event (will enable the desired local switch when the timer reached the amount of minutes).
#wait_character_move_completion(event_id = @event_id)
(also: #attendre_fin_deplacement_cet_event, #wait_event, #attendre_event)
Wait for the end of the movement of this particular character.
#wait_charset_animation(event_id = @event_id)
Wait for the end of the charset animation of this particular event.
(also: #attendre_joueur)
Shortcut for wait_character_move_completion(0) Wait for the end of the player movement.
#waiting_animate_charset_event? ⇒ Boolean
Test if the Interpreter is currently waiting for an event.
#withdraw_pokemon(id, counter = 1)
(also: #retirer_pokemon)
withdraw a Pokemon from the Party.
(also: #retirer_pokemon_index)
withdraw a Pokemon from the party at a specific position in the Party.
#yes_no_choice(message, yes = nil, no = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Show a yes no choice.
Methods included from Util::SystemMessage
load_message, parse_opts, show_message, show_message_and_wait
Instance Method Details
#add_egg(id, egg_how_obtained = :received) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon? Also known as: ajouter_oeuf
Add an egg to the Party (or in the PC)
166 167 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 166 def add_egg(id, egg_how_obtained = :received) end |
#add_item(item_id, no_delete = false, text_id: 4, no_space_text_id: 7, color: 11, count: 1)
Add an item to the bag if possible, will delete the event forever
522 523 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 522 def add_item(item_id, no_delete = false, text_id: 4, no_space_text_id: 7, color: 11, count: 1) end |
#add_items_to_limited_shop(symbol_of_shop, items_to_refill = [], quantities_to_refill = []) Also known as: ajouter_objets_magasin
Add items to a limited shop
695 696 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 695 def add_items_to_limited_shop(symbol_of_shop, items_to_refill = [], quantities_to_refill = []) end |
#add_limited_shop(symbol_of_shop, items_sym = [], items_quantity = [], shop_rewrite: false) Also known as: ajouter_un_magasin_limite
Create a limited shop (in the main PFM::Shop object)
688 689 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 688 def add_limited_shop(symbol_of_shop, items_sym = [], items_quantity = [], shop_rewrite: false) end |
#add_new_pokemon_shop(sym_new_shop, list_id, list_price, list_param, list_quantity = [], shop_rewrite: false) Also known as: ajouter_nouveau_magasin_pokemon
Create a limited Pokemon Shop
725 726 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 725 def add_new_pokemon_shop(sym_new_shop, list_id, list_price, list_param, list_quantity = [], shop_rewrite: false) end |
#add_parallax(image, x, y, z, zoom_x = 1, zoom_y = 1, opacity = 255, blend_type = 0)
Add a parallax
404 405 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 404 def add_parallax(*args) end |
#add_pokemon(pokemon_or_id, level = 5, shiny = false) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon? Also known as: ajouter_pokemon, ajouter_stocker_pokemon
Add a pokemon to the party or store it in the PC
97 98 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 97 def add_pokemon(pokemon_or_id, level = 5, shiny = false) end |
#add_pokemon_to_shop(symbol_of_shop, list_id, list_price, list_param, list_quantity = [], pkm_rewrite: false) Also known as: ajouter_pokemon_au_magasin
Add Pokemon to a Pokemon Shop
735 736 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 735 def add_pokemon_to_shop(symbol_of_shop, list_id, list_price, list_param, list_quantity = [], pkm_rewrite: false) end |
#add_rename_pokemon(pokemon_or_id, level = 5, shiny = false, num_char = 12) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon? Also known as: ajouter_renommer_pokemon
Add a pokemon to the party or store it in the PC and rename it
158 159 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 158 def add_rename_pokemon(pokemon_or_id, level = 5, shiny = false, num_char = 12) end |
#add_specific_pokemon(hash) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon? Also known as: ajouter_pokemon_param
Add a pokemon (#add_pokemon) with specific informations
114 115 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 114 def add_specific_pokemon(hash) end |
#animate_from_charset(lines, duration, reverse: false, repeat: false, last_frame_delay: false) ⇒ Boolean
Shortcut for get_character(@event_id).animate_from_charset(*args)
439 440 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 439 def animate_from_charset(lines, duration, reverse: false, repeat: false, last_frame_delay: false) end |
#call_battle_wild(id, level, shiny, no_shiny) #call_battle_wild(id, level, *args) #call_battle_wild(id, level, *args) Also known as: demarrer_combat
Start a wild battle
184 185 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 184 def call_battle_wild(id, level, *args) end |
#call_party_menu(id_var = ::Yuki::Var::Party_Menu_Sel, party = $actors, mode = :map, extend_data = nil) Also known as:
Show the party menu in order to select a Pokemon
386 387 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 386 def (id_var = ::Yuki::Var::Party_Menu_Sel, party = $actors, mode = :map, extend_data = nil) end |
#can_move_reminder_be_called?(mode = 0) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: maitre_capacites_appelable?
Detect if the move reminder can remind a move to the selected pokemon
254 255 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 254 def can_move_reminder_be_called?(mode = 0) end |
#carte_du_monde(arg = :view, wm_id = $env.get_worldmap) Also known as: world_map
Open the world map
355 356 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 355 def carte_du_monde(arg = :view, wm_id = $env.get_worldmap) end |
#casino(arg = :voltorb_flip, speed = 2)
Open the casino gameplay
459 460 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 459 def casino(arg = :voltorb_flip, speed = 2) end |
#choice(variable_id, cancel_type, *choices)
Start a choice with more option than RMXP allows.
349 350 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 349 def choice(variable_id, cancel_type, *choices) end |
Clear the saved fog
83 84 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 83 def clear_saved_fog end |
#combine_with_saved_bag(id_storage = nil)
Combined the saved bag with the current bag
761 762 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 761 def combine_with_saved_bag(id_storage = nil) end |
#combine_with_saved_money(id_storage = nil)
Combined the saved money with the current money
801 802 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 801 def combine_with_saved_money(id_storage = nil) end |
#combine_with_saved_pokedex(id_storage = nil, empty_pokedex: false)
Combined the saved pokedex with the current pokedex
786 787 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 786 def combine_with_saved_pokedex(id_storage = nil, empty_pokedex: false) end |
#cry_pokemon(id, volume: 100, tempo: 100, form: 0)
Play the cry of a Pokemon
142 143 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 142 def cry_pokemon(id, volume: 100, tempo: 100, form: 0) end |
#current_time ⇒ Integer
Return the current time in minute
859 860 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 859 def current_time end |
#delete_event_forever(event_id) Also known as: delete_event
Delete the provided event forever
54 55 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 54 def delete_event_forever(event_id) end |
Delete the current event forever
50 51 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 50 def delete_this_event_forever end |
#detect_invalid_tile(x, y, width, height, tile_id) ⇒ Boolean
Detect if a specified tile (in layer 3) is in the specified zone
76 77 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 76 def detect_invalid_tile(x, y, width, height, tile_id) end |
#detect_player(nb_pas, direction) ⇒ Boolean
Detect the player in a specific direction
34 35 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 34 def detect_player(nb_pas, direction) end |
#detect_player_circle(r) ⇒ Boolean
Detect the player in a circle around the event
47 48 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 47 def detect_player_circle(r) end |
#detect_player_rect(nx, ny) ⇒ Boolean
Detect the player in a rectangle around the event
41 42 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 41 def detect_player_rect(nx, ny) end |
#dynamic_light ⇒ NuriYuri::DynamicLight Also known as: dyn_light
Return the NuriYuri::DynamicLight module
288 289 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 288 def dynamic_light end |
#emotion(type, char_id = 0, wait = 34, params = {})
The available emotion type are :
Show an emotion to an event or the player
317 318 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 317 def emotion(type, char_id = 0, wait = 34, params = {}) end |
#emotion_on_multiple_npc(type, chars_id = [0], wait = 34, params = {}) Also known as: emotion_on_multiple_pnj
See the #emotion method comments for the available emotion type
Show an emotion on multiple events and/or the player
327 328 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 327 def emotion_on_multiple_npc(type, chars_id = [0], wait = 34, params = {}) end |
#empty_and_save_appearance(id_storage = nil)
Save the appearance somewhere and set the default in the point of view of the player.
806 807 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 806 def empty_and_save_appearance(id_storage = nil) end |
#empty_and_save_bag(id_storage = nil)
Save the bag somewhere and make it empty in the point of view of the player.
751 752 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 751 def empty_and_save_bag(id_storage = nil) end |
#empty_and_save_money(id_storage = nil)
Save the money somewhere and make it null in the point of view of the player.
791 792 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 791 def empty_and_save_money(id_storage = nil) end |
#empty_and_save_party(id_storage = nil)
Save the team somewhere and make it empty in the point of view of the player.
816 817 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 816 def empty_and_save_party(id_storage = nil) end |
#empty_and_save_pokedex(id_storage = nil)
Save the pokedex somewhere and make it empty in the point of view of the player.
776 777 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 776 def empty_and_save_pokedex(id_storage = nil) end |
#empty_and_save_trainer(id_storage = nil)
Save the trainer somewhere and make it empty in the point of view of the player.
766 767 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 766 def empty_and_save_trainer(id_storage = nil) end |
#event_calling(common_event, event_id) ⇒ Boolean
Check if an event is calling a common event (in its first non comment commands)
342 343 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 342 def event_calling(common_event, event_id) end |
#fast_travel(x, y = nil, ms = 5)
Shortcut defining the pathfinding request and wait for the end of the path following
431 432 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 431 def fast_travel(x, y = nil, ms = 5) end |
#find_path(to:, radius: 0, tries: Pathfinding::TRY_COUNT, type: nil)
Use path finding to locate the current event move else
422 423 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 422 def find_path(to:, radius: 0, tries: Pathfinding::TRY_COUNT, type: nil) end |
#force_save Also known as: forcer_sauvegarde
Save the game without asking
359 360 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 359 def force_save end |
#front_event_calling(common_event) ⇒ Boolean
Check if the front event calls a common event (in its first non comment commands)
336 337 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 336 def front_event_calling(common_event) end |
#ge(id = @event_id) ⇒ Game_Event
Return the $
280 281 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 280 def ge(id = @event_id) end |
#get_self_switch(self_switch, event_id = @event_id, map_id = @map_id) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: get_ss
Get the value of a self_switch
377 378 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 377 def get_self_switch(self_switch, event_id = @event_id, map_id = @map_id) end |
#give_exp(index, amount)
Give a certain amount of exp to one Pokemon
487 488 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 487 def give_exp(index, amount) end |
Give a certain amount of exp to every Pokemon in party
491 492 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 491 def give_exp_all(amount) end |
#give_item(item_id, count = 1)
Give an item to the player
533 534 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 533 def give_item(item_id, count = 1) end |
#give_level(index, amount)
Give a certain amount of level to one Pokemon
496 497 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 496 def give_level(index, amount) end |
Give a certain amount of level to every Pokemon in party
500 501 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 500 def give_level_all(amount) end |
#gm ⇒ Game_Map
Return the $game_map
272 273 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 272 def gm end |
#gp ⇒ Game_Player
Return the $game_player
276 277 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 276 def gp end |
#gs ⇒ Game_Switches
Return the $game_switches
264 265 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 264 def gs end |
#gt ⇒ Game_Temp
Return the $game_temp
268 269 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 268 def gt end |
#gv ⇒ Game_Variables
Return the $game_variables
260 261 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 260 def gv end |
#hall_of_fame(filename_bgm = 'audio/bgm/Hall-of-Fame', context_of_victory = :league)
Open the Hall of Fame UI
464 465 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 464 def hall_of_fame(filename_bgm = 'audio/bgm/Hall-of-Fame', context_of_victory = :league) end |
Triggers the HM Bar Animation
657 658 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 657 def (reason) end |
Function calling the honey tree event
96 97 |
# File 'docs/4_Systems_998_Global_Systems.rb', line 96 def honey_tree_event(id) end |
#internal_add_pokemon_check_level_shiny(pokemon_id, level, shiny, method_name) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon
Check the input parameters and send the Pokemon to method_name
236 237 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 236 def internal_add_pokemon_check_level_shiny(pokemon_id, level, shiny, method_name) end |
#internal_add_pokemon_check_symbol(pokemon_or_id, level, shiny, method_name) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon
Check the symbol of the Pokemon and send the Pokemon to method_name
228 229 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 228 def internal_add_pokemon_check_symbol(pokemon_or_id, level, shiny, method_name) end |
#internal_add_pokemon_final(pokemon) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon
Try to add Pokemon to the party or store the Pokemon in the storage system
220 221 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 220 def internal_add_pokemon_final(pokemon) end |
#internal_store_pokemon_final(pokemon) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon
Try to add Pokemon to the party or store the Pokemon in the storage system
241 242 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 241 def internal_store_pokemon_final(pokemon) end |
#message(string, cancel_type = 0, *choices) ⇒ Integer
This function should only be called from text events!
Show a message with eventually a choice
563 564 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 563 def (string, cancel_type = 0, *choices) end |
#mining_game(item_count, music_filename = GamePlay::MiningGame::DEFAULT_MUSIC) #mining_game(wanted_item_db_symbols, music_filename = GamePlay::MiningGame::DEFAULT_MUSIC)
Open the Mining Game UI
477 478 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 477 def mining_game(param = nil, music_filename = GamePlay::MiningGame::DEFAULT_MUSIC, delete_after: true, grid_handler: nil) end |
#mirror_picture(id, bool = true)
Mirror a RMXP Picture
482 483 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 482 def mirror_picture(id, bool = true) end |
#move_reminder(pokemon = $actors[$game_variables[::Yuki::Var::Party_Menu_Sel]], mode = 0) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: maitre_capacites
Call the move reminder UI with the choosen Pokemon and a specific mode (0 by default)
248 249 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 248 def move_reminder(pokemon = $actors[$game_variables[::Yuki::Var::Party_Menu_Sel]], mode = 0) end |
#name_player(default_name, character_filename, max_char = 12, message: [43, 0], set_appearance: true, &block)
Example: name_player(“Yuri”, “player_m_walk”) or name_player(“Yuri”, “player_m_walk”, set_appearance: false)
Shows a character, a default name, and asks the player for their name
832 833 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 832 def name_player(default_name, character_filename, max_char = 12, message: [43, 0], set_appearance: true, &block) end |
#npc_trade_sequence(index, pokemon)
Sequence that perform NPC trade
653 654 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 653 def npc_trade_sequence(index, pokemon) end |
#open_shop(items, prices) #open_shop(items, prices) Also known as: ouvrir_magasin
Open a shop
680 681 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 680 def open_shop(symbol_or_list, prices = {}, show_background: true) end |
#party ⇒ PFM::GameState
Return the party object (game state)
284 285 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 284 def party end |
#pfm_text ⇒ PFM::Text
Return the PFM::Text module
408 409 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 408 def pfm_text end |
#pick_item(item_id, count = 1, no_delete = false)
Pick an item on the ground (and delete the event)
528 529 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 528 def pick_item(item_id, count = 1, no_delete = false) end |
#player_spotted?(nb_pas) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: trainer_spotted
Detect if the event can spot the player and move to the player
9 10 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 9 def player_spotted?(nb_pas) end |
#player_spotted_directional?(up: nil, down: nil, left: nil, right: nil) ⇒ Boolean
Detect if the event can spot the player and move to the player with direction relative detection
27 28 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 27 def player_spotted_directional?(up: nil, down: nil, left: nil, right: nil) end |
#player_spotted_rect?(nb_pas, dist) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: trainer_spotted_rect
Detect if the event can spot the player in a certain rect in frond of itself
16 17 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 16 def player_spotted_rect?(nb_pas, dist) end |
Returns the db_symbol of the type of the Pokemon’s Hidden Power
214 215 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 214 def pokemon_hidden_power(index_or_pokemon) end |
#pokemon_index(method_name, *args)
Return the index of the choosen Pokemon or call a method of GameState to find the right Pokemon
413 414 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 413 def pokemon_index(method_name, *args) end |
#open_shop(items, prices) #open_shop(items, prices) Also known as: ouvrir_magasin_pokemon
Open a Pokemon shop
715 716 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 715 def pokemon_shop_open(symbol_or_list, prices = [], param = [], show_background: true) end |
Show the “Pokemon was sent to BOX $” message
607 608 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 607 def pokemon_stored_sequence(pokemon) end |
#puzzle_alpha(id = 1, id_switch = Yuki::Sw::RuinsVictory)
Start the Alpha Ruins puzzle
513 514 |
# File 'docs/4_Systems_900_Games.rb', line 513 def puzzle_alpha(id = 1, id_switch = Yuki::Sw::RuinsVictory) end |
#quest_book Also known as: livre_quetes, quest_ui
Show the quest book
390 391 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 390 def quest_book end |
#receive_pokemon_sequence(pokemon_or_id, level = 5, shiny = false) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon?
Receive Pokemon sequence, when the player is given a Pokemon
603 604 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 603 def receive_pokemon_sequence(pokemon_or_id, level = 5, shiny = false) end |
#remove_items_from_limited_shop(symbol_of_shop, items_to_remove, quantities_to_remove) Also known as: enlever_objets_magasin
Remove items from a limited shop
702 703 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 702 def remove_items_from_limited_shop(symbol_of_shop, items_to_remove, quantities_to_remove) end |
#remove_pokemon_from_shop(symbol_of_shop, remove_list_mon, param_form, quantities_to_remove = []) Also known as: enlever_pokemon_du_magasin
Remove Pokemon from a Pokemon Shop
743 744 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 743 def remove_pokemon_from_shop(symbol_of_shop, remove_list_mon, param_form, quantities_to_remove = []) end |
#rename_pokemon(index_or_pokemon, num_char = 12) Also known as: renommer_pokemon
Show the rename interface of a Pokemon
148 149 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 148 def rename_pokemon(index_or_pokemon, num_char = 12) end |
#retrieve_saved_appearance(id_storage = nil)
Retrieve the saved appearance
811 812 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 811 def retrieve_saved_appearance(id_storage = nil) end |
#retrieve_saved_bag(id_storage = nil)
Retrieve the saved bag when emptied ( /!\ empty the current bag)
756 757 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 756 def retrieve_saved_bag(id_storage = nil) end |
#retrieve_saved_money(id_storage = nil)
Retrieve the saved money
796 797 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 796 def retrieve_saved_money(id_storage = nil) end |
#retrieve_saved_party(id_storage = nil) Also known as: retreive_saved_party
Retrieve the saved team when emptied ( /!\ empty the current team)
821 822 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 821 def retrieve_saved_party(id_storage = nil) end |
#retrieve_saved_pokedex(id_storage = nil)
Retrieve the saved pokedex when emptied
781 782 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 781 def retrieve_saved_pokedex(id_storage = nil) end |
#retrieve_saved_trainer(id_storage = nil)
Retrieve the saved trainer
771 772 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 771 def retrieve_saved_trainer(id_storage = nil) end |
#retrieve_stolen_pokemon(id_storage = nil) Also known as: retreive_stolen_pokemon
Retrieve previously stolen Pokemon ( /!\ uses #add_pokemon)
197 198 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 197 def retrieve_stolen_pokemon(id_storage = nil) end |
#save_this_fog ⇒ Array
Save the current fog
80 81 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 80 def save_this_fog end |
#set_actor_back(actor_id, filename)
Sets a specific actors battle sprite to a specific one
510 511 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 510 def set_actor_back(actor_id, filename) end |
Sets the players battle sprite to a specific one
836 837 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 836 def set_player_back(filename) end |
#set_self_switch(value, self_switch, event_id = @event_id, map_id = @map_id) Also known as: set_ss
Set the value of a self_switch
368 369 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 368 def set_self_switch(value, self_switch, event_id = @event_id, map_id = @map_id) end |
#show_pokemon(pokemon) #show_pokemon(pokemon_id)
Show the Pokemon dex info
209 210 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 209 def show_pokemon(pokemon_id) end |
#skill_learn(pokemon, id_skill) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: enseigner_capacite
Learn a skill to a Pokemon
134 135 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 134 def skill_learn(pokemon, id_skill) end |
#start_double_trainer_battle(trainer_id, second_trainer_id, bgm: DEFAULT_TRAINER_BGM, disable: 'A', enable: 'B', troop_id: 3, &block)
Start a trainer battle
628 629 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 628 def start_double_trainer_battle(trainer_id, second_trainer_id, bgm: DEFAULT_TRAINER_BGM, disable: 'A', enable: 'B', troop_id: 3, &block) end |
#start_double_trainer_battle_with_friend(trainer_id, second_trainer_id, friend_trainer_id, bgm: DEFAULT_TRAINER_BGM, disable: 'A', enable: 'B', troop_id: 3, &block)
Start a trainer battle
638 639 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 638 def start_double_trainer_battle_with_friend(trainer_id, second_trainer_id, friend_trainer_id, bgm: DEFAULT_TRAINER_BGM, disable: 'A', enable: 'B', troop_id: 3, &block) end |
#start_pc Also known as: demarrer_pc
Start the storage PC
292 293 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 292 def start_pc end |
Start an online Trade
202 203 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 202 def start_trade(server) end |
#start_trainer_battle(trainer_id, bgm: DEFAULT_TRAINER_BGM, disable: 'A', enable: 'B', troop_id: 3)
Start a trainer battle
619 620 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 619 def start_trainer_battle(trainer_id, bgm: DEFAULT_TRAINER_BGM, disable: 'A', enable: 'B', troop_id: 3) end |
#steal_pokemon(indexes, id_storage = nil, no_save = false)
Save some Pokemon of the team somewhere and remove them from the party
192 193 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 192 def steal_pokemon(indexes, id_storage = nil, no_save = false) end |
Shortcut for get_character(@event_id).stop_path
425 426 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 425 def stop_path end |
#store_pokemon(pokemon_or_id, level = 5, shiny = false) ⇒ PFM::Pokemon? Also known as: stocker_pokemon
Store a Pokemon in the PC
107 108 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 107 def store_pokemon(pokemon_or_id, level = 5, shiny = false) end |
#switch_player(from_player_id, to_player_id, switch_bag: true, switch_party: true, switch_trainer: true, switch_appearance: true, switch_money: true, switch_pokedex: true)
Switch from one player to another, in term of party, trainer, money, pokedex and appearance (all optional)
842 843 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 842 def switch_player(from_player_id, to_player_id, switch_bag: true, switch_party: true, switch_trainer: true, switch_appearance: true, switch_money: true, switch_pokedex: true) end |
#switch_player_safe(to_player_id, switch_bag: true, switch_party: true, switch_trainer: true, switch_appearance: true, switch_money: true, switch_pokedex: true)
Switch from one player to another, in term of party, trainer, money, pokedex and appearance (all optional) The Yuki::Var::Current_Player_ID must be defined beforehand
848 849 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 848 def switch_player_safe(to_player_id, switch_bag: true, switch_party: true, switch_trainer: true, switch_appearance: true, switch_money: true, switch_pokedex: true) end |
#take_screenshot(filename = 'map_screenshot%d.png', scale = 1)
Take a screenshot of the map and save it as a png
505 506 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 505 def take_screenshot(filename = 'map_screenshot%d.png', scale = 1) end |
#timed_event_remaining_time(event_id = @event_id, map_id = @map_id) ⇒ Integer
Get the remaining time until the trigger (in minutes)
874 875 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 874 def timed_event_remaining_time(event_id = @event_id, map_id = @map_id) end |
#trainer_eye_sequence(phrase, eye_bgm: DEFAULT_EYE_BGM, exclamation_se: DEFAULT_EXCLAMATION_SE)
Sequence to call before start trainer battle
648 649 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 648 def trainer_eye_sequence(phrase, eye_bgm: DEFAULT_EYE_BGM, exclamation_se: DEFAULT_EXCLAMATION_SE) end |
#trigger_event_in(amount_of_minutes, local_switch_letter, event_id = @event_id, map_id = @map_id)
Store a timed event (will enable the desired local switch when the timer reached the amount of minutes)
868 869 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 868 def trigger_event_in(amount_of_minutes, local_switch_letter, event_id = @event_id, map_id = @map_id) end |
#wait_character_move_completion(event_id = @event_id) Also known as: attendre_fin_deplacement_cet_event, wait_event, attendre_event
Wait for the end of the movement of this particular character
59 60 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 59 def wait_character_move_completion(event_id = @event_id) end |
#wait_charset_animation(event_id = @event_id)
Wait for the end of the charset animation of this particular event
443 444 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 443 def wait_charset_animation(event_id = @event_id) end |
#wait_for_player Also known as: attendre_joueur
Shortcut for wait_character_move_completion(0) Wait for the end of the player movement
452 453 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 452 def wait_for_player end |
#waiting_animate_charset_event? ⇒ Boolean
This function automatically update the states it use if it returns false
Test if the Interpreter is currently waiting for an event
448 449 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 448 def waiting_animate_charset_event? end |
#withdraw_pokemon(id, counter = 1) Also known as: retirer_pokemon
withdraw a Pokemon from the Party
121 122 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 121 def withdraw_pokemon(id, counter = 1) end |
#withdraw_pokemon_at(index) Also known as: retirer_pokemon_index
withdraw a Pokemon from the party at a specific position in the Party
126 127 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 126 def withdraw_pokemon_at(index) end |
#yes_no_choice(message, yes = nil, no = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Show a yes no choice
574 575 |
# File 'docs/2_PSDK_Event_Interpreter.rb', line 574 def yes_no_choice(, yes = nil, no = nil) end |