Class: Battle::Visual
Class that manage all the thing that are visually seen on the screen
Direct Known Subclasses
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: Transition Classes: FakeHPAnimation, HPAnimation, IdlePokemonAnimation
Constant Summary collapse
Variable giving the position of the battlers to show from bank 0 in bag UI
['Audio/SE/In-Battle_Ability_Activate', 100, 100]
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#animations ⇒ Array
List of the animation.
#parallel_animations ⇒ Hash
List of the parallel animation.
#to_dispose ⇒ Array
The element to dispose on #dispose.
#viewport ⇒ Viewport
The viewport used to show the sprites.
#viewport_sub ⇒ Viewport
The viewport used to show some UI part.
Class Method Summary collapse
.register_transition_resource(id, resource_type)
Register the transition resource type for a specific transition.
.transition_resource_type_for(id) ⇒ Symbol
Return the transition resource type for a given transition ID.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#battler_sprite(bank, position) ⇒ BattleUI::PokemonSprite?
Retrieve the sprite of a battler.
Dispose the visuals.
Hide the ability animation (no effect if no_go_out = false).
Show a specific bar.
#hide_info_bars(no_animation = false, bank: nil)
Hide all the bars.
Hide team info.
#initialize(scene) ⇒ Visual
Create a new visual instance.
Lock the battle scene.
#locking? ⇒ Boolean
Tell if the visual are locking the battle update (for transition purpose).
Refresh a specific bar (when Pokemon loses HP or change state).
#scene_update_proc { ... }
Display animation & stuff like that by updating the scene.
#set_info_state(state, pokemon = nil)
Set the state info.
#show_ability(target, no_go_out = false)
Show the ability animation.
#show_catch_animation(target_pokemon, ball, nb_bounce, caught)
Show the catching animation.
Show the exp distribution.
#show_hp_animations(targets, hps, effectiveness = [], &messages)
Show HP animations.
Show a specific bar.
#show_info_bars(bank: nil)
Show all the bars.
Show the item user animation.
#show_item_choice ⇒ PFM::ItemDescriptor::Wrapper?
Method that show the item choice.
Show KO animations.
#show_move_animation(user, targets, move)
Make a move animation.
#show_player_choice(pokemon_index) ⇒ Symbol, ...
Method that shows the trainer choice.
#show_pokemon_choice(forced = false) ⇒ PFM::PokemonBattler?
Method that show the pokemon choice.
Method that show the pre_transition of the battle.
#show_rmxp_animation(target, id)
Show a dedicated animation.
#show_skill_choice(pokemon_index) ⇒ Boolean
Method that show the skill choice and store it inside an instance variable.
Show the pokemon switch form animation.
#show_target_choice ⇒ Array<PFM::PokemonBattler, Battle::Move, Integer(bank), Integer(position), Boolean(mega)>?
Method that show the target choice once the skill was choosen.
Show team info.
Method that show the trainer transition of the battle.
Method that show the ennemy sprite transition during the battle end scene.
#snap_to_bitmaps ⇒ Array<Texture>
Snap all viewports to bitmap.
Show the message “What will X do”.
#store_battler_sprite(bank, position, sprite)
Function storing a battler sprite in the battler Hash.
(also: #inspect)
Safe to_s & inspect.
Unlock the battle scene.
Update the visuals.
Wait for all animation to end (non parallel one).
Constructor Details
#initialize(scene) ⇒ Visual
Create a new visual instance
16 17 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 16 def initialize(scene) end |
Instance Attribute Details
#animations ⇒ Array (readonly)
Returns List of the animation.
7 8 9 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 7 def animations @animations end |
#parallel_animations ⇒ Hash (readonly)
Returns List of the parallel animation.
5 6 7 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 5 def parallel_animations @parallel_animations end |
#to_dispose ⇒ Array (readonly)
Returns the element to dispose on #dispose.
13 14 15 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 13 def to_dispose @to_dispose end |
#viewport ⇒ Viewport (readonly)
Returns the viewport used to show the sprites.
9 10 11 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 9 def @viewport end |
#viewport_sub ⇒ Viewport (readonly)
Returns the viewport used to show some UI part.
11 12 13 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 11 def @viewport_sub end |
Class Method Details
.register_transition_resource(id, resource_type)
If no resource type was registered, will send the default sprite one
Register the transition resource type for a specific transition
140 141 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 140 def register_transition_resource(id, resource_type) end |
.transition_resource_type_for(id) ⇒ Symbol
Return the transition resource type for a given transition ID
145 146 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 145 def transition_resource_type_for(id) end |
Instance Method Details
#battler_sprite(bank, position) ⇒ BattleUI::PokemonSprite?
Retrieve the sprite of a battler
133 134 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 133 def battler_sprite(bank, position) end |
Dispose the visuals
26 27 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 26 def dispose end |
Hide the ability animation (no effect if no_go_out = false)
310 311 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 310 def hide_ability(target) end |
Show a specific bar
272 273 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 272 def (pokemon) end |
#hide_info_bars(no_animation = false, bank: nil)
Hide all the bars
260 261 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 260 def (no_animation = false, bank: nil) end |
Hide team info
287 288 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 287 def hide_team_info end |
Lock the battle scene
35 36 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 35 def lock end |
#locking? ⇒ Boolean
Tell if the visual are locking the battle update (for transition purpose)
29 30 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 29 def locking? end |
Refresh a specific bar (when Pokemon loses HP or change state)
276 277 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 276 def (pokemon) end |
#scene_update_proc { ... }
this function raise if the visual are not locked
Display animation & stuff like that by updating the scene
40 41 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 40 def scene_update_proc end |
#set_info_state(state, pokemon = nil)
Set the state info
281 282 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 281 def set_info_state(state, pokemon = nil) end |
#show_ability(target, no_go_out = false)
Show the ability animation
306 307 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 306 def show_ability(target, no_go_out = false) end |
#show_catch_animation(target_pokemon, ball, nb_bounce, caught)
Show the catching animation
340 341 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 340 def show_catch_animation(target_pokemon, ball, nb_bounce, caught) end |
Show the exp distribution
333 334 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 333 def show_exp_distribution(exp_data) end |
#show_hp_animations(targets, hps, effectiveness = [], &messages)
Show HP animations
297 298 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 297 def show_hp_animations(targets, hps, effectiveness = [], &) end |
Show a specific bar
268 269 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 268 def (pokemon) end |
#show_info_bars(bank: nil)
Show all the bars
264 265 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 264 def (bank: nil) end |
Show the item user animation
314 315 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 314 def show_item(target) end |
#show_item_choice ⇒ PFM::ItemDescriptor::Wrapper?
Method that show the item choice
244 245 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 244 def show_item_choice end |
Show KO animations
301 302 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 301 def show_kos(targets) end |
#show_move_animation(user, targets, move)
Make a move animation
324 325 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 324 def show_move_animation(user, targets, move) end |
#show_player_choice(pokemon_index) ⇒ Symbol, ...
Method that shows the trainer choice
170 171 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 170 def show_player_choice(pokemon_index) end |
#show_pokemon_choice(forced = false) ⇒ PFM::PokemonBattler?
Method that show the pokemon choice
249 250 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 249 def show_pokemon_choice(forced = false) end |
Method that show the pre_transition of the battle
115 116 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 115 def show_pre_transition end |
#show_rmxp_animation(target, id)
Show a dedicated animation
329 330 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 329 def show_rmxp_animation(target, id) end |
#show_skill_choice(pokemon_index) ⇒ Boolean
Method that show the skill choice and store it inside an instance variable
200 201 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 200 def show_skill_choice(pokemon_index) end |
Show the pokemon switch form animation
318 319 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 318 def show_switch_form_animation(target) end |
#show_target_choice ⇒ Array<PFM::PokemonBattler, Battle::Move, Integer(bank), Integer(position), Boolean(mega)>?
Method that show the target choice once the skill was choosen
204 205 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 204 def show_target_choice end |
Show team info
284 285 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 284 def show_team_info end |
Method that show the trainer transition of the battle
118 119 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 118 def show_transition end |
Method that show the ennemy sprite transition during the battle end scene
121 122 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 121 def show_transition_battle_end end |
#snap_to_bitmaps ⇒ Array<Texture>
Snap all viewports to bitmap
47 48 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 47 def snap_to_bitmaps end |
Show the message “What will X do”
174 175 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 174 def (pokemon_index) end |
#store_battler_sprite(bank, position, sprite)
Function storing a battler sprite in the battler Hash
127 128 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 127 def store_battler_sprite(bank, position, sprite) end |
#to_s Also known as: inspect
Safe to_s & inspect
19 20 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 19 def to_s end |
Unlock the battle scene
32 33 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 32 def unlock end |
Update the visuals
23 24 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 23 def update end |
Wait for all animation to end (non parallel one)
43 44 |
# File 'docs/5_Battle_02_Visual.rb', line 43 def wait_for_animation end |