This file explains how to handle data in PSDK.
Migration from old access to new access
In .25.14 we changed the way to access data, you should no longer access it through the GameData
module. Instead we created functions to access the data. Here’s the list:
instead ofGameData::Abilities.anything
(note: you can read name, description, id and db_symbol fromdata_ability(db_symbol)
instead ofGameData::Item[db_symbol]
instead ofGameData::Skill[db_symbol]
instead ofGameData::Pokemon[db_symbol]
(note: this returns a Specie and not a Pokemon, if you want to access the Pokemon form, please fetch it with data_creature_form)data_creature_form(db_symbol, form)
instead ofGameData::Pokemon[db_symbol, form]
instead ofGameData::Quest[id]
instead ofGameData::Trainer[id]
instead ofGameData::Type[db_symbol]
instead ofGameData::Zone[id]
instead ofGameData::WorldMap[id]
Note: You can still use id instead of db_symbol, it uses a different search method.
Iterate through data
In PSDK the game data is stored in some big collections of main entities, therefore we created methods that allow you to iterate through all the valid data entities. All the method that allow to iterate through data entities starts with each_data_
followed by the kind of entity and those function either accept a block or return an Enumerator.
Here’s the list of methods to iterate through data entity:
: iterate through all abilitieseach_data_item
: iterate through all itemseach_data_move
: iterate through all moveseach_data_creature
: iterate through all creatureseach_data_quest
: iterate through all questseach_data_trainer
: iterate through all trainerseach_data_type
: iterate through all typeseach_data_zone
: iterate through all zones
How to get the number of entities of a kind the game has ?
Let’s say you need to know exactly how many types the game has. You’ll write the following code:
type_count = each_data_type.size
How to select entities based on some condition ?
To select entities you can use the method select
. For example, if you want to list all the items that cost 200P you will use this code:
all_200p_item = { |item| item.price == 200 }
Changes in .26
In .26 we changed the data structure to conform with Studio. Thus GameData
was replaced by Studio
and some properties completely changed.
For now, .26 make sure that data can be imported from Ruby Host. To do so, remove the folder Data/Studio
and run the game in debug
. It should regenerate the whole project data based on Ruby Host data. (Please avoid using Ruby Host after doing so).
=> Studio::Creature
This class was completely reworked. Now it just hold few information and you need to dig deeper to fetch the extended information about a Pokemon Form.
The Studio::Creature
class let you access the following:
* id
* db_symbol
* forms
* name (Pikachu)
* species (Mouse Pokémon)
* description (When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.)
The forms array holds a list of Studio::CreatureForm which is similar to GameData::Pokemon
but has few differences.
Beware, the forms array does not use index as form identifier, you have to read the form property of each entities to know which form it is.
Here’s the list of changes from GameData::Pokemon
to Studio::CreatureForm
- id_bis: Integer
- type1: Integer
+ type1: Symbol
- type2: Integer
+ type2: Symbol
- evolution_level: Integer
- evolution_id: Integer
- special_evolution: Array<Hash>
+ evolutions: Array<Studio::CreatureForm::Evolution>
- exp_type: Integer
+ experience_type: Integer
- base_exp: Integer
+ base_experience: Integer
- rareness: Integer
+ catch_rate: Integer
- hatch_step: Integer
+ hatch_steps: Integer
- baby: Integer
+ baby_db_symbol: Symbol
+ baby_form: Integer
- items: Array<Integer>
+ item_held: Array<Studio::CreatureForm::ItemHeld>
- abilities: Array<Integer>
+ abilities: Array<Symbol>
- master_moves: Array<Integer>
- breed_moves: Array<Integer>
- tech_set: Array<Integer>
- move_set: Array<Integer>
+ move_set: Array<Studio::LearnableMove>
All the kind of move learning has been regrouped inside move_set, the class defines how the move is supposed to be learnt. See the documentation of each class that replaced integers to know their fields.
GameData::Item => Studio::Item
Items did not changed much in .26, the main changes are the flags that were renamed, here’s the changes:
- battle_usable: Boolean
+ is_battle_usable: Boolean
- map_usable: Boolean
+ is_map_usable: Boolean
- limited: Boolean
+ is_limited: Boolean
- holdable: Boolean
+ is_holdable: Boolean
+ me(): String
Note that the item descriptor has been updated to support Studio::Item instead.
Changes related to GameData::TechItem
=> Studio::TechItem
- move_learnt: Integer
+ move: Symbol
Changes related to GameData::BallItem
=> Studio::BallItem
- img: String
+ sprite_filename: String
Changes related to GameData::PPIncreaseItem
=> Studio::PPIncreaseItem
- max: Boolean
+ is_max: Boolean
Changes related to GameData::StatBoostItem
=> Studio::StatBoostItem
- stat_index: Integer
+ stat: Symbol
Changes related to GameData::StatusHealItem
=> Studio::StatusHealItem
- status_list: Array<Integer>
+ status_list: Array<Symbol>
Changes related to GameData::StatusConstantHealItem
=> Studio::StatusConstantHealItem
- status_list: Array<Integer>
+ status_list: Array<Symbol>
Changes related to GameData::StatusRateHealItem
=> Studio::StatusRateHealItem
- status_list: Array<Integer>
+ status_list: Array<Symbol>
=> Studio::Move
As items, move holds some flags and those were renamed, here’s the diff:
- be_method: Symbol
+ battle_engine_method: Symbol
- type: Integer
+ type: Symbol
- pp_max: Integer
+ pp: Integer
- atk_class: Integer
+ category: Symbol
- critical_rate: Integer
+ movecritical_rate: Integer
- direct: Boolean
+ is_direct: Boolean
- charge: Boolean
+ is_charge: Boolean
- recharge: Boolean
+ is_recharge: Boolean
- blocable: Boolean
+ is_blocable: Boolean
- snatchable: Boolean
+ is_snatchable: Boolean
- mirror_move: Boolean
+ is_mirror_move: Boolean
- punch: Boolean
+ is_punch: Boolean
- gravity: Boolean
+ is_gravity: Boolean
- magic_coat_affected: Boolean
+ is_magic_coat_affected: Boolean
- unfreeze: Boolean
+ is_unfreeze: Boolean
- sound_attack: Boolean
+ is_sound_attack: Boolean
- distance: Boolean
+ is_distance: Boolean
- heal: Boolean
+ is_heal: Boolean
- authentic: Boolean
+ is_authentic: Boolean
- bite: Boolean
+ is_bite: Boolean
- pulse: Boolean
+ is_pulse: Boolean
- ballistics: Boolean
+ is_ballistics: Boolean
- mental: Boolean
+ is_mental: Boolean
- non_sky_battle: Boolean
+ is_non_sky_battle: Boolean
- dance: Boolean
+ is_dance: Boolean
- king_rock_utility: Boolean
+ is_king_rock_utility: Boolean
- powder: Boolean
+ is_powder: Boolean
- effect_chance: Integer
+ is_effect_chance: Boolean
- target: Symbol
+ battle_engine_aimed_target: Symbol
- battle_stage_mod: Array<Integer>
+ battle_stage_mod: Array<Studio::Move::BattleStageMod>
- status: Integer
+ move_status: Array<Studio::Move::MoveStatus>
Note: priority was changed from 0 -> 14 to -7 -> +7.
=> Studio::Quest
Quest model was slightly changed, here’s the diff:
- primary: Boolean
+ is_primary: Boolean
+ resolution: Symbol
Changes related to GameData::Quest::Objective
=> Studio::Quest::Objective
- test_method_name: Symbol
+ objective_method_name: Symbol
- test_method_args: Array
+ objective_method_args: Array
Changes related to GameData::Quest::Earning
=> Studio::Quest::Earning
- give_method_name: Symbol
+ earning_method_name: Symbol
- give_args: Array
+ earning_args: Array
=> Studio::Trainer
In .26 trainers hold much more information than .25 thanks to Studio, here’s the changes:
- special_group: Integer
+ battle_id: Integer
- team: Array<Hash>
+ party: Array<Studio::Group::Encounter>
+ is_couple: Boolean
+ ai: Integer
+ bag_entries: Array<Hash>
- internal_names: Array<String>
Note: internal_names
were removed in favor of an entry in CSV files so trainer can have their names translated!
=> Studio::Type
Types were refined to look less like something coming from the C++ world, here’s the diff:
- on_hit_tbl: Array<Float>
+ damage_to: Array<Studio::Type::DamageTo>
+ color: Color, nil
=> Studio::Zone
Zone data was heavily updated, in .25 it was holding too much data, now it’s just referencing to external data that is easy to fetch & work with. Here’s the diff:
- map_id: Integer
+ maps: Array<Integer>
- worldmap_id: Integer
+ worldmaps: Array<Integer>
- warp_x: Integer
- warp_y: Integer
+ warp: Studio::Zone::MapCoordinate
- pos_x: Integer
- pos_y: Integer
+ position: Studio::Zone::MapCoordinate
- fly_allowed: Boolean
+ is_fly_allowed: Boolean
- warp_dissalowed: Boolean
+ is_warp_disallowed: Boolean
- groups: Array, nil
+ wild_groups: Array<Symbol>
- sub_map
- description
=> Studio::Worldmap
Worldmap cannot be edited with Studio but its internal data was changed since it’s being converted to JSON objects. Here’s the changes:
- name_id: Integer
- name_file_id: Integer
- data: Table
+ grid: Array<Array<Integer>>
+ region_name: Studio::CSVAccess