Class: Studio::EVBoostItem
- Inherits:
- Object
- Item
- HealingItem
- StatBoostItem
- Studio::EVBoostItem
- Defined in:
- docs/3_Studio.rb
Data class describing an Item that boost an EV stat of a Pokemon
Constant Summary collapse
List of text ID to get the stat name
{hp: 134, atk: 129, dfe: 130, spd: 133, ats: 131, dfs: 132}
Constants inherited from Item
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from StatBoostItem
Attributes inherited from HealingItem
Attributes inherited from Item
#db_symbol, #fling_power, #icon, #id, #is_battle_usable, #is_holdable, #is_limited, #is_map_usable, #position, #price, #socket