Pokémon SDK Roadmap

Hi all, as the day of 2020-11-27 we'd like to present you the road map of PSDK, the progression and our next steps!

As you may know the next PSDK update is .25.0, it aim to make Battles way better. Even though the progress are going well we realise that we have more and more thing to implement/revisit.

Our plan

In order to allow user to get .25.0 in a reasonable time we decided to separate the tasks on 3 categories.

We noticed after doing a cleanup of GitLab issues to our internal tools (clickup) that our .25 roadmap is only ~50% completed (and maybe less). In order to counter this issue we come with a plan that may be sufficient for most people: We we'll release .25.-127, a version containing all the work currently done and letting you to start working with .25 before it get release.

The positive side of it is that since we already have the fundations, we can get bugfixes before the official release and you can get familiar with .25 before the release as well.


In order to be more transparent, we decided to give you a progression chart for .25.0 and also the list of task for all our roadmap so you know what's happening.

.25 Roadmap

Number of tasks done:


Number of tasks implemented:


We have 54 tasks in .25 Roadmap
Those stats are valid only on 2020-11-27

As you can see, there's not a lot of task done, that's because the implemented task are not all tested. This mean we may find bugs on non-done tasks but they actually work.

Let's detail what's done and what's remain to do.

Click to show progress

We're working on the task that are "TODO", some of those tasks like "Move from BattleEngine.use_skill to Battle::Move" may be really big so that's one of the task that may make us create a .25.-127 version...

If you feel like you can help us please reach us! Here's some usefull links:

Post .25 Roadmap

Once we've released .25.0 we will start all the thing to do for each updates of .25.

Here's the list of tasks we plan to work during the .25 Cycle of Life:

Click to show .25 Cycle of Life

This list may not be ordered by priority and probably miss some task that will be added in the future.

.26 Roadmap

PSDK .26 is not focussing on battle but more on generic stuff that are more QoL. We don't have a lot of tasks to do but if you need stuff that helps it will most likely end up in .26.

Here's the list of task we plan to do on .26:

Click to show .26 tasks

This list is not ordered by priority and is also incomplete.

Final note

Whatever happens, PSDK .25.X will get released on 2020-12-25, if we achieved to move fast, it will be .25.0, otherwise it will be .25.-127

You can make the difference by Helping us! If you have any basis in Ruby or eager to learn, you're more than welcome!

If you fear being not good enough in Ruby, I suggest you to spend 4 hour of your life watching this amazing free Ruby tutorial: Ruby Programming Language - Full Course by freeCodeCamp.org

If you want to discuss more about PSDK, you can join our Discord: